
Friday, 18 January 2013


Today, the Mrs. was adamant she wanted to get out in the snow. There's still something magical about the snow to me. I woke up this morning to people complaining on the news about how dreadful it was, such a pain, how it would be holding up their days. Facebook was full of statuses damning it. I can't help but feel a bit like a little kid inside when I see the countryside where we live blanketed in white loveliness. There's something about it that takes me back to my childhood, or to when I was working 9-5 jobs that I hated. If a snow day arrived, suddenly the world became quieter, more relaxed - they seemed to produce a 'get our of jail' card and you could spend the day chilling, and not working. Snow days at school or coming home from work early. Despite the negativity, I still think it adds a brief and exciting beauty to the land. We should all take note and appreciate it while it's here. Take care if you're out and about driving though. And take lots of pictures!


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